Rails Girls Summer of Code

Week review: Hammertime, Twitter lists and heavy conferencing

RGSoC Team,

What a week! We can’t even decide what to tell you first. Well, okay first things first. First, you’ll get a hug! This week from Team Unicorn ♥


This week could have been called the week of ultimate conference raffling. As you probably know already, we got some tickets from awesome confs and this week the raffle fairy picked some winners! Wohoo! This means no less than that beginning with eurucamp next week, our students will start to rock the tech confs of this world! ♥♥♥

##Hammertime, terminal tools and congratulations

Okay, let’s have a log ;) at our Teams:

Carsten, the coach from Team Highway to Rails had a special day and Team Inchworms revealed how to make your co-workers do something ugly into their ASCII with a terminal tool:

Also, Team Highway to Rails, Inchworms and Species+ will meet in Paris,

Team Diaspora realiye tjat khey jave fprgpttem pme tomy tjomf,

and for Team Bundler it’s hammertime.


We are blown away by all these witty, smart and funny articles all the teams are writing. If you can’t get enough, too: follow them on this twitter list.


Thanks to RGSoC mentor Andy, everybody spent some minutes, hours, days addicted on this:

everybody is obsessed with ruby warrior

We bet in a minute you’ll be infected, too. Warrior.attack!

Have a ruby weekend!

P.S. Of course this is only a tiny fraction of what happened this week. Check out more here: http://teams.railsgirlssummerofcode.org

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